How to enter a REPCHARGE order

REPCHARGE Order type is used when the cost of an item/order should be charged to the Sales Rep.

This process should be used to charge a sales rep's commission for COGS. This process consists of:

Examples of when to do a REPCHARGE:

  • Customer refuses to pay for an invoice. Rep is responsible for COGS on this order.
  • Non-returnable items that institute for a MA claim/credit to be issued to the customer. Rep is responsible for COGS on this order. 


  1. Go to Order Entry to start a New Order
  2. Select the Sales Rep's customer account as the customer. If one is not set up, use the Quick Add customer type to create one (terms of CC).
  3. Select REPCHARGE as the Order Type
  4. Go to the Main Tab > Order Header Management to confirm the Sales Rep # is selected for this order. 
  5. From the Main tab > Order Line Maintenance, type REPCHARGE as the item and enter the Qty as the dollar amount needing to be charged against the rep's commission (Qty 100 = $100 from the vendor invoice needing to be costed to the rep)
    Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 8.58.13 AM
    (REPCHARGE can't be found in style entry) 
    1. Determining the Dollar Amount to charge: 
      1. Open Review Purchase Orders
      2. Change from Default to Optimized.
      3. Search the Purchase Order Number that was used with the vendor.
      4. Using the hamburger menu, select Vouchered Items from the list.
      5. Use the amount listed in the "Invoiced Amt" column when determining the price the rep needs to be costed for. This is the actual amount charge to Game-One from the Vendor. (If they are only be costed for partial of the line quantity, you would take the Invoiced Price and multiply it by the Invoiced Qty.)
      6. Enter the price determined in step v as the QTY for the REPCHARGE line. (Ex: invoiced Amt = $46.86, Qty on REPCHARGE = 46). ONLY ONE REPCHARGE LINE PER ORDER, COMBINE ALL COSTS INTO THE ONE LINE.
  6. Click Save
  7. Ensure the Customer PO number is entered as 'REPCHARGE' in the main tab or freight tab.
  8. Add a comment with the original order number and the REPCHARGE order.
  9. Review & Complete the order. If you get a remittance error for the CC method, update the remittance to Net30-CC.
  10. Email the REPCHARGE order number to Lukas Eswein-Peterson to be reviewed, Quick Shipped and Invoiced.

Below process is to ONLY be done by leadership staff

Quick Ship Instructions

  1. Go to Quick Ship and enter the order number, including the BO # (If the order number is B0292474 enter it was "B029247400" as shown below.Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 9.16.27 AM
  2. Click Save and Complete and select the "Invoice Order" option on the Quick Ship screen then select Continue.
    Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 9.20.36 AM
  3. Go to Review Customer Orders and research the order to ensure it is in an Invoiced status. If not, it must be invoiced via Orders Shipped, Not Invoiced. Since it is a zero dollar invoice, no invoice will be sent to the customer. 

Commissions Management

At the writing of this article, these orders are not marked "Paid" due to being zero-dollar orders, but must be accounted for when calculating commissions. Please use Cyber Query to ensure all zero dollar orders with negative COGS are calculated in rep commission reports.

(Created 4/21/24)