How to enter promo orders

Follow these steps for entering vendor promo or Game One promo

This article contains the process for entering the following types of promo orders:

Vendor Promo

When vendor promo is getting decorated at a Game One or Tier 3 facility, it is important to enter the order in FDM4 before placing the promo order on the vendor's B2B site. You will need to have a FDM4 purchase order number when placing the order on the vendor's site so it can be received correctly at one of our facilities. 

Follow these steps:

  1. Enter promo orders just as you would a regular quote/order.
  2. Use the CUSTG SKU for each item on your order
  3. Add your decoration by choosing from an existing design already set up for the customer or adding a new design with Quick Design
  4. Commit quantities and leave the garment price at $0.00
  5. Rename all Variants on the Main tab; adding size info to each order line (the warehouse or Tier 3 will need to know the quantity of each size when receiving)
  6. Review the Services tab and Freight tab to ensure the pricing you wish to charge is correct
  7. Review & Complete the order
  8. Wait for the buyer to issue the CUSTG PO
  9. Place the order on the vendor's B2B site using the FDM4 PO number

If the promo the customer is needing is only blanks, and there is no cost to the customer, simply order the promo from the B2B site without entering anything in FDM4.

Game One-Funded Promo

To use Game One promo for all school partnerships, follow these steps:

  1. Enter promo orders as you would a regular quote/order
  2. On the Order Information Screen:
    1. Pick the Address Number and leave your Sales Rep ID listed
    2. Enter the Description as: PROMO - Your Name
  1. If decorated, add your decoration
  2. Commit quantities and change the garment price to $0.00
  3. Depending on the agreement, you may need to zero out the decoration pricing on the Services tab
  4. Go to Main > Order Header Management and change the sales rep ID to your RSM's ID number. This will attribute the order COGS to the RSM's promo budget.
  5. Review & Complete your order
  6. Email a copy of the order to your RSM (use "Set Printer" and add them as the CC or BCC)