How to enter a Sample Order

Follow the below process when entering a sample order into FDM4.

**Please read the Sample Policy set in place by Game-One here.**


Should you need to place an order for samples, you have two options:

  1. Charge for the samples and have the customer return them for credit
  2. Zero out the price on the samples and then make up for it by averaging the samples back into the selling price when an order is placed.

The New Game One Return Policy will apply to #1, meaning you cannot return product for less than $100 total cost. To refund the customer, your Billing Analyst would issue a MA Claim and you would be hit with the COGS against your commissions.

For #2, When you enter the new order, only commit the number you need to pull from inventory. Average the selling price to the customer to include the sample garments that you sold at $0.00.

Using the Customer's normal account, follow the below steps.

  1. Run Order Entry, and begin the quote
  2. Select the correct address number, make sure your Rep ID is assigned to the order and update the Description to "Sample Order". 
  3. Select the requested styles and commit the requested quantities to the order. 
  4. Determine if we are charging for the product or if we are zeroing out the price (See above).
    1. If not charging, change the price on the product to $0.00 on the Services Tab.
  5. Review and Complete the quote.
  6. Release Quote to a Customer Sales Order (ORDER).