Understanding Art Holds

Orders are designed to go on art holds as they move through the proofing process. Learn more about what each hold means and how they are cleared.

Decorated orders are designed to go on a series of art holds as they move through the proofing and art set up process. Most of the art holds are cleared automatically when the customer approves the art and the artist finalizes the designs.

We have a team that tracks the different holds to ensure orders are moving through the system. Think of these holds more as "statuses" and not as issues. 

Here are all the hold codes and what they mean:

D_PRO Decoration Proof  All decorated orders go into this status once entered so it can be assigned to an artist. Once the proof is approved, this hold releases and it moves to a d_art hold.
D_DIM Decoration Dimension 

This hold tells the artist to set the art dimensions. Once set, this hold Is automatically cleared.

D_DIG Decoration File Setup Required After the art is approved, the artist must finalize the art by adding the production files to the system. Once added, this hold is released.
D_ART Decoration Art Approval

The proof moves to this hold after it has been approved. The artist must finish entering all the required information (scheme, add vector files, etc). This hold is removed when the art status is set to "Approved."

D_SHM Decoration Missing Color Scheme Alerts the artist to set up the color scheme for all art within a design.
D_CLR Decoration Max Color Count  If the color scheme exceeds the maximum allowable colors, this hold will alert artist to revise the scheme.
D_MAX Decoration Order Max Amount If an order exceeds $100,000, the order must be cleared by the lead CRR.

CRRs should monitor the hold status of orders to ensure they continue moving through the system. If an order appears to be sitting in a hold status with no change and the need date is approaching, we recommend reaching out to the artist who last worked on the art (available in the Change Tracking screen in Review Customer Orders).

Sales reps who see art in the D_PRO hold status for several days should reach out to the customer to ensure the customer received the proof and acts upon it. Reps are copied on the art proof emails that a customer receives.