Mass Salesman Update Tool

How to bulk update the sales rep ID on customers, customer addresses and orders

The Mass Salesman Update Tool can be used to update the Sales Rep ID for the following:

  • Orders/Claims (for open orders only)
  • Customers
  • Customer Addresses

NOTE: This tool is only available for CRR Supervisors and the AR Leads for each region.

To use this tool, you will need to access the Mass Salesman Update and the My Print Job programs in FDM4. 

Step 1: Download Data

  • Launch the Mass Salesman Update tool in FDM4
  • Type in the Rep Number and select the files you want to update
  • Click Download
  • Launch My Print Jobs and click "Search" to view all print jobs. Your latest request is at the top. Click to download and open it excel.
Step 2: Change Data in Excel
  • Use Excel to locate the orders/customers/addresses and update the Sales Rep ID column.
    **You may need to use the Find/Replace tool or the XLOOKUP formula in Excel.
  • Once complete, Save your spreadsheet.
    • Follow this step only if you updated the last row of data: Copy the last row and paste it below so it is duplicated in your spreadsheet. The reason you need to do this is FMD4 sometimes misses the last row due to the way the file uploads. If you did not update the last row of data, skip this step.

Step 3: Upload Data

  • Go back to the Mass Salesman Update tool
  • Click Upload > Select your File
  • Click Update

Step 4: Verify Data

  • Go to My Print Jobs > Search
  • Download the Error File and open it to see if there were any errors in the upload. If there were, repeat Steps 2-4 until no errors exist. (Note: There is likely always an error on row 1 since it is the header. This can be ignored)
  • Spot check the update by pulling up the order/customer (Review Customer Orders or Customer Master).