How to view Designs in FDM4 by Gallery View

A recent modification with FDM4 now allows users to view design by "gallery view". This is much like the Art View in Quick Design.

Viewing Existing Designs in Gallery View:

  1. In style entry, where the requested style number is entered and color code is selected, the three dots will populate all existing designs used under the selected customer's account. 

    This is also available in Show Order Lines > Apply Design >
  2. In this Design Catalog, there is now the option to view by Gallery view. 
  3. When selecting "Switch to Gallery View", it will show like below. Method(s) are listed below the image, along with the locations in that design. 

Select the 'Approved Only' box to see all previously approved designs. 

Once you update to Gallery View, your default setting will update to to this view going forward. Click "Switch to Grid View" to reset your setting back to grid view.