How to Version Existing Art in Quick Design

Using existing art is extremely helpful for creative and for the customer to make sure logos stay consistent between orders when switching locations and other parts of the art.

  1. Within Quick Design and Add Existing Art there is an icon when you hover over the images in the gallery, that looks like the below, called Version.
  2. When using the Version button, make sure both Attachments and Color Schemes are checked and copy to the new order. (This should default with these checked)
  3. From here enter the information and changes necessary on this next screen where it pulls the existing logo into the design being created. 

    **If the art notes are irrelevant now, please delete the art notes so that this doesn't confuse the creative team. **
  4. After entering in the design information, please utilize the pencil icon when hovering over the art attachment. Just like you would when adding personalization to art work so you can configure it. 
  5. Within this menu, you MUST update the Status to Open and the File Setup Status to File Setup Required. This allows the artists to make the changes necessary. 
  6. From here you can save your design, add more art to the design and finish your order like normal. You and the customer will receive a proof with the changes needing to be approved. 

Watch this video for a quick tutorial:


Are you seeing no image on the design you're trying to version? Is it giving an error that the path can't be found?

This means the file was removed from the server due to the size of the file, after a recent update made to FDM4. Follow the below process. 
  • Create a new design by selecting "Add Art"
  • Reference the Art ID you're trying to version as the Art Name of your new art. This allows the artist to pull the files from that Art ID and create a new version of the art you were wanting, without having to delay the art due to it needing to be re-traced, etc.