How to use the Customer Inquiry to research a customer's total spend by brand

The Customer Inquiry tool is an easy way to see exactly who much your customer spent by year, month and with a particular brand for promo purposes.

The Customer Inquiry tool is an easy way to see exactly who much your customer spent by year, month and with a particular brand.

Follow these steps:

  1. Launch Customer Inquiry and pin it
  2. Type in or search for the customer number
  3. If you need the data by Address Number select one. Otherwise, leave the *.
  4. Change the year if needed. 
  5. If you need the data by Mill, type in the mill code of use the Help Lookup to find it. 
  6. Click Search. 

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When selecting a Mill Code, the data shown will not include freight or deco costs, only the spend on the garments.

To view a customer's spend by brand/year, you can also use the Customer Sales History (Style/Mill) tool.