How to place an at-once decorated order with Carroll

Determine if an FDM4 PO or an Edgeware PO needs to be issued for the product. This is determined by the following. 

Click on one of the below to jump to that place in the article:

  • Contract Order - FDM4 PO must be used to purchase the product from the vendor because Carroll does not have any. 
  • Non-Contract Order - Edgeware PO must be used to purchase the product from the vendor, or they have it in stock and can pull it from the shelf. 
  • ABOM Tutorial - this will walk through an actual order.


It is the Account Managers role to purchase the product from the vendor, and ship to Carroll if Sales Deck AND Remote Edgeware show ZERO Items in stock. Follow the below steps to create a PO in FDM4 for the product. 

  1. Run Allocated Backorder Maintenance
  2. After selecting the order in ABOM (Allocated Backorder Maintenance), click Create PO/Xfer.
  3. Click Assign Primary Vendor in the upper left of the screen.
  4. Update the shipping address on the PO and Ship items from the vendor to Carroll with "Contract Order_PO#" in the Attention to line of the shipping address. 
  5. Send the below to Beth Tigges, with your order information. Make sure to attach the order confirmation and purchase order confirmation.
    Contract Order Email Example for TGE


It is the Account Managers role to assign the product to the Carroll as the vendor, and ship to Carroll if Sales Deck AND Remote Edgeware show ANY items in stock. Follow the below steps to create a PO in FDM4 for the product. 

  1. Run Allocated Backorder Maintenance
  2. After selecting the order in ABOM (Allocated Backorder Maintenance), click Create PO/Xfer.
  3. Enter Vendor# 2656 in the upper left of the screen as the vendor.
  4. Update the shipping address on the PO with "Non-Contract Order_PO#" in the Attention to line of the shipping address. 
  5. Send the below to Beth Tigges, with your order information. Make sure to attach the order confirmation and purchase order confirmation.
    NonContract Order Email Example for TGE
  6. Once a confirmation is received back from Beth and her team, list the Edgeware Order number they send back in the comments section of the FDM4 order. This will assist in tracking. 

Make sure you ALWAYS leave comments!

Re-visit the tutorial on how to order this: