How to order Gatorade items in FDM4

This process will walk through how to order Gatorade.

Gatorade Kit FDM4 Style Numbers:
10345-HSPP - G Series Performance Package
10346-HSPP - Create your own G Series
49156 - Refuel and Restore
  1. Run Order Entry
  2. Enter under the CUSTOMER SALES ORDER type, using the above item numbers for the kit your customer is requesting.
  3. Attach the PDF Gatorade order form to the order, using the Attachments button along with leaving Non-Printable comments on the order with the information for the Buyers to purchase with Gatorade. 

    'Attachments' is a part of the hamburger menu at the top of the order entry screen.
  4. Review and Complete the order.
  5. The buying team will purchase this order with Gatorade and assign the order a PO#.