How to key in a Helmet Recon order

This article walks through the process for reconditioning helmets.

This article will walk through two different processes based on legacy business units. Please follow the process for your area. Click to jump to step-by-step instructions:

  • West/East Reps
  • Central Reps

Recon Process for West/East Reps

We are setup with three different vendors for Helmet Reconditioning in the West: 

Schutt Sports 2484 CSCHUTT
Harco Athletic Reconditioning 2968 CHARCO
Continental Athletic Supply 2969 CCONAS

When using the above vendors, please follow this process:

  1. Enter a Quote for your customer using the applicable C-ITEM SKU above.
  2. Based on the Vendor, submit any additional paperwork or forms required and use the quote number as the PO Number. This will allow you to later go back and edit the quote to match what you need to charge the customer.
  3. Once the vendor invoices us, the AP team will email you a copy of the vendor invoice. 
  4. Go to Order Entry > Edit Existing Order and adjust the quote based on what the reconditioning vendor charged you.
  5. Review & Complete the quote
  6. Release the Quote to a CUSTOM ORDER. This will generate a PO upon order completion. (Do not choose "Release & Auto Finish").
  7. Send the vendor invoice and the newly generated PO back to the AP contact to get the order vouchered and invoiced.

If the vendor invoice is sent to you directly, follow the process above to generate your own PO and send both the invoice and PO to your CRR to get it vouchered.


Recon Process for Central Reps

The Central team typically uses the vendor Athletic Helmet Reconditioning (Vendor 2150 | SKU: RECON). This vendor charges a flat rate for Helmet Reconditioning based on the helmet type, which are all set up as Variants under the Recon SKU. 

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 10.25.07 PM

  1. Enter a Quote for Helmet Recon using the RECON SKU.
  2. Release the Quote to a CUSTOM ORDER to generate your own Purchase Order.
  3. Fill out the form on and use the PO number provided in FDM4 when placing the order. 
  4. Upon completion, the vendor invoice will be sent to AP and they voucher the PO so your order can be invoiced.