How to get a committed item to take on updated commission costs

Un-commit and re-commit quantities to receive updated commission cost

If it is realized that an item's commission cost is incorrect and that information gets updated in FDM4, the system will not retro-actively change the commission cost on orders/quotes that are utilizing that SKU. 

To get the item to take on the updated commission cost, you must un-commit the quantity and re-commit it. By doing this, the updated SKU commission cost is applied to the order. 

Why does it not update automatically? 

When you commit an item, it takes the commission cost at the time it was committedLet's say the item price last year was $12.99 but this year we booked them at $13.50. Since there may be orders in the system that were entered at the time of last year's price, we do not want to update the cost, or disrupt the gross profit of that order. We only want new orders placed after the price was updated to be affected by the increase in cost.