How to enter an Account Manager or Warehouse Error for NON-STOCK items

Account Managers must follow one of the below processes to reorder product that came from a Vendors warehouse that human error may have occurred on our end or the Vendors end.

On Decorated Product:

Account Managers will either be notified by the customer, rep, purchasing, or the warehouse that a new order will need to be entered into FDM4 for replacements, depending on which stage the order is in. 

  1. Run Order Entry and start a new quote under the customer's account
  2. On the Order Information Screen leave the Sales Rep as is. (If it get's updated here, it updates the sales rep for all future orders.) Make sure to include a reasonable In-Hands Date, and update the Customer PO and Description fields to state "[Purchasing, CRR, or Warehouse] Error on [Original O#]".
  3. Commit the item(s). Zero out all pricing including Item(s), Decoration pricing, and freight. 
  4. Assign the previously approved design number to the item(s). Unless there were issues with the previously used design and we are needing to redo it, then create a new design to have it re-proofed and re-approved by the customer. 
  5. Leave non-printable comments on what the error was and the order number it took place on.
  6. Review & Complete the quote.
  7. Follow the process here to update the sales ID. 
  8. Customer or Sales Rep may keep the decorated goods, Game One does not want them back and the vendor will not accept back either. 
  9. Bring this new order to the appropriate daily deco call to be rushed and reply to the person making you aware of the error to let them know the new order number and that it's been replaced. Production can try and run them together if the replacement product shows up in time.

On Blank Product:

Account Managers will either be notified by the customer, rep, or the warehouse that a new order will need to be entered into FDM4 for replacements, depending on which stage the order is in. 

  1. Run Order Entry and start a new quote under the customer's account
  2. On the Order Information Screen leave the Sales Rep as is. (If it get's updated here, it updates the sales rep for all future orders.) Make sure to include an In-Hands Date, and update the Customer PO and Description fields to state "[Account Manager, or Warehouse] Error on [Original O#]".
  3. Commit the item(s). Zero out all pricing including Item(s) and freight. 
  4. Leave non-printable comments on what the error was and the order number it took place on.
  5. Review & Complete the quote
  6. Follow the process here to update the sales ID. 
  7. Process a claim depending on the below:
    1. If less than $100 cost, customer or rep can keep the product. No claim will need to be entered.
    2. If more than $100 cost, follow the returns process to try and get an RA approved and an RI claim entered (depending on if the RA approval goes through). Enter the claim with $0 pricing and matching the claim to the original order and either return (RI claim) or allow the customer or rep to keep (no claim needed).