How to enter a Swanton production error order

CRRs follow one of the below processes to enter a new order when replacing a Swanton production error.

Error noticed by Production

Error noticed by Customer

Error noticed by Production:

CRRs will get emailed from production on issues that come up while the order is in production. Whether that be a human or mechanical error. 

  1. Enter the Quote under the customer's account, like a normal quote. 
  2. On the Order Information Screen leave the Sales Rep as is. (If it get's updated here, it updates the sales rep for all future orders.) Make sure to include the In-Hands Date, and update the Customer PO and Description fields to state "Production Error on O# ___".
  3. Commit the item(s). Zero out all pricing including Item(s), Decoration pricing, and freight. 
  4. Assign the previously approved design number to the item(s). Unless there were issues with the previously used design and we are needing to redo it, then create a new design to have it re-proofed and re-approved by the customer. 
  5. Leave non-printable comments on what the error was and the order number it took place on.
  6. Review & Complete the quote
  7. Release the quote to an order.
  8. Reply back to the team member that contacted you about the replacement and CC in Hunter Davis with the replacement order number. Hunter will update the sales ID appropriately. 

Error noticed by Customer:

Customer may notice something wrong with the decoration. 

  1. Enter the Quote under the customer's account, like a normal quote. 
  2. On the Order Information Screen leave the Sales Rep as is. (If it get's updated here, it updates the sales rep for all future orders.) Make sure to include the In-Hands Date, and update the Customer PO and Description fields to state "Production Error on O# ___".
  3. Commit the item(s) we are replacing the previous order with. Zero out all pricing including Item(s), Decoration pricing, and freight. 
  4. Assign the previously approved design number to the item(s). Unless there were issues with the previously use design and we are needing to redo it, then create a new design to have it re-proofed and re-approved by the customer. 
  5. Leave non-printable comments on what the error was and the order number it took place on.
  6. Attach an image of the error, under Attachments at the top of the screen.
  7. Review & Complete the quote
  8. Release the quote to a normal order.
  9. Send the Order confirmation to Hunter Davis for him to adjust the sales ID to the production error Sale Rep number. Please make sure to include an image of the item(s) needing to be replaced. 

Customer or Rep may keep any damaged goods already shipped to the customer. Game-One does NOT want them back.