How to enter a Custom Order

This will walk through entering a custom order using the Custom Buying team.


Central Team is still responsible for their own Custom Orders

Custom Order from Manufacturer

  1. Home Screen > “RUN” Order Entry.
  2. Select a Customer
  3. Order Type: Quote order (quote)
  4. On the Order Information Screen > Select Ship To > No
    1. Choose the Address No to indicate the activity/sport 
    2. Make any necessary changes to the PO/Call Placed by/Attn/email
    3. Add a description to the order
    4. Choose the correct in-hand and plan ship date
    5. Save & Continue
  5. Style Code > Use the corresponding C-Item Code to match the vendor you are ordering from (remember you can look up C-Items by searching by description for "CST" and then filtering to the vendor needed)
  6. Color > Select Variant 1 (Variant = Product)
  7. Select MF WAREHOUSE and click COMMIT (or Enter on your keyboard)
  8. You will be prompted to enter a description for the item. Enter the SKU from the vendor, color and short description. This is what the customer sees on their invoice.
  9. Edit the Selling Price.
  10. Add a Non-printable Comment to the order with the cost.
  11. If you have more custom items to add, like pants or an away jersey, click the Colors tab on the right side of the screen to choose a new variant. Repeat steps #7-10.
  12. When you finish adding the items, click the Main tab and use the Edit button if you need to further update any item descriptions, such as adding the size to each line.
  13. Go to Freight Tab and update the freight to reflect vendor freight costs (estimate or get a quote for this step). Remember you are costed at 5% on MF orders.
  14. Review & Complete > Complete Order.
  15. The order confirmation and vendor PO will be sent separately. Set the email addresses
    for them using Set Printer to your email.
  17. Go to SalesDeck and select External Links > Custom Form.


Is this Custom order being prepaid with Credit Card?

Enter your custom Quote based on the steps above, then contact your Billing Analyst to collect payment from the customer. Once payment is received for the quote, please fill out the Custom form, including the quote number the customer paid for already. Custom Team will release to an order and place the order with the Vendor. 

**If the custom order must bill complete with another order, your CRR can update the reference order number to match so they bill together.

***This process does NOT apply to Adidas miTeam if the item is getting additional decoration at a Game One Facility. See the following page for specific instructions.