How to delete a customer

Customers can be deleted if no accounting records have been created.

If a customer needs to be removed from FDM4, a Billing Analyst may be able to delete or set them to inactive. Review the steps below.

Deleting a Customer

If no accounting records exist for a customer, they may be deleted. 

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the customer in the Customer Master 
  2. Click Delete
  3. You may receive a warning to verify you wish to delete the customer. Proceed to remove them from the system.

If you receive an error saying accounting records exist and the customer cannot be deleted, follow the steps for setting a customer to inactive.

Setting a Customer to Inactive

If a customer has account records and cannot be deleted, but you wish to no longer allow orders to be placed on their account, you may set the customer to inactive. 

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the customer in the Customer Master 
  2. Click Edit
  3. Look for the Inactive Date field and set it to today's date
  4. Save.

Past orders will still be visible for inactive customers, but new orders cannot be placed on their account.