How to decide which warehouse to commit from

There are a few simple rules to keep in mind when committing inventory in FDM4.

It is important to always commit from the correct warehouse so your order moves through the system faster. Follow these rules for each type of order.

Decorated Orders

Alway commit from the warehouse where product is getting decorated.

When the product is not available from those warehouses, the order moves into the buyer's queue to source. Buyers will first attempt a warehouse transfer (moving product from our stock to a Tier 3 decorator) and if no stock exists, they will source from the vendor.

Non-Decorated Orders

First look at the inventory levels and commit from the warehouse that has stock. 

If no stock is showing in any warehouse, commit from the MF warehouse. 

What about Bozeman and Carroll inventory?

When you check SalesDeck and see Bozeman or Carroll has the inventory, commit your order from the MF warehouse. The buyers are trained to always check GO Stock before purchasing from a vendor. Once the Bozeman and Carroll warehouses are live in FDM4, you will be able to commit directly to that warehouse.