How to copy FDM4 functions (pins)

This will walk through how to copy the FDM4 function (pins) based on your role.

  1. Open up your live FDM4 site using - - and login using the Active Directory. 
  2. Click the gear icon on your homepage
  3. Based on your role type in the corresponding user ID to Copy from. 
    1. CRRs - copy from alyssas
    2. Reps - copy from amandau
    3. Billing Analyst - copy from sarahd
    4. Purchasing - copy from brette
    5. Creative - copy from tommyp
    6. Accounting - copy from lindseyg
  4. Click Copy Pins
  5. This will update your FDM4 functions/pins to be like that users. These are users that have been in the system for a while. 

Customize the Pins however you'd like. Drag and Drop, Organize it differently, it will not update anyone's pins that you copy from