How to Check an Orders Status

Review Customer Order (RCO), will be the tool used to check on your order's status. This function in FDM4 is very useful and provides a lot of information. This article will walk through how to search and what the different status may mean.

Make sure your column management is set for Review Customer Orders tab. This will help to stay organized and have a consistent view of information. See the article here on how to edit your columns:

Utilizing the columns of different information along with the below steps, will provide an update on where something is at. (This is an index of what each column you have means - Column Meanings)

  1. Open your Review Customer Order function within FDM4. 
  2. Using the search at the top of Review Customer Orders, search for the order you are trying to get an update on. (It is best to get into the habit of searching by Reference #, this way, all child orders will appear in your search results)
  3. This will show all orders below assigned to that reference number, including the quote that should have been started out with and converted to an order. 
  4. Check the Warehouse Status column to see what is happening with the order. Use this to find out the different statuses and meanings - Warehouse Statuses and Meanings
  5. Based on the warehouse status, triage the order accordingly and communicate with the Warehouse, Tier 1, Tier 3, or Vendor to get an update on where the order might be at in the process (if a reasonable amount of time has passed).
    1. Utilize the Vendor B2B (if possible) before just emailing the buyer or vendor for an update.
      1. The Purchase Order toggle will show you the purchase order used when ordering with a Vendor. Use this number to look up any order on a B2B or when communicating to the vendor/buyer. 

    2. When triaging a tier 3 order, please make sure to have the following information before contacting. How to check on a Tier 3 order

      1. Product is 100% received (found under Fill%)

      2. The art has been released and no holds appear

      3. The warehouse status is In Production

      4.  A reasonable amount of time has passed since DecoProdStart in Change Tracking. 
  6. Another useful tool to find out where the order is at, is the Change Tracking tab at the bottom of the Review Customer Orders screen. 

    1. This shows you the different transactions done to the order. This will become another language the more it's utilized. (How to read this tab can be found here - How to Read Change Tracking)

  7. Work together as a team to try and find the status of the order at question. If you need help, a member of management is available to assist. Send an email to your manager with the order information and question.