How to cancel a quote or order

Use the Order Entry function to cancel orders

For quotes and orders that need to be canceled, follow these steps:

  1. Use Order EntryEdit Editing Order
  2. Click Cancel Order and select a Reason
  3. Click Cancel or Delete

Screenshot 2023-06-12 at 1.18.29 PM

How to cancel an order once a PO has been issued

If the order has a Purchase Order attached to it, reach out to your CRR to cancel the order.

The CRR will follow this process:

  1. Look up the order in Review Customer Orders to find the order
  2. Click Hamburger > Purchase Orders (or click it from the toolstrip if you exposed it in your manage menu settings)
  3. Copy the PO Number and note the buyer
  4. Email the buyer directly to ask about canceling the order. They will also need to cancel the PO with the vendor and can cancel the FDM4 Purchase Order. If it is too late to cancel the order, it will ship and invoice, and you will need to do a return.