How to add Address Numbers from the Customer Master

If a new sport or activity needs to be added, a CRR or Billing Analyst can add it from the Customer Master.

Address Numbers (Address No) are ways to store multiple contacts and sports within a single  customer. The Sales Rep can add an Address Number while entering an order, but CRRs and BAs may find it easier to add them at the Customer Master level. 

Follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Customer Master
  2. Enter the Customer Number or change the drop-down to Customer Name to locate the customer
  3. Select the Customer and go Hamburger > Address Numbers 
  4. Click Add
  5. Create a short name for the address number (example: Table Tennis = TTENNIS, Student Council = SCOUNCIL)
  6. Fill out the following information completely:
    • Address No
    • Company Name
    • Customer Address, City, State & Zip
    • Contact Name & Email
    • Phone Number
    • Address xRef (spell out the address number name. Example: Student Council)
    • Long name (this is a combo of the school name and address number; Unger High School Student Council
    • Sales Rep Number

      Screenshot 2023-06-16 at 10.52.15 PM

Save and the address number will be available to use in Order Entry.