How do I edit an existing Purchase Order?

Buyers should be adjusting PO's for the majority of our order types. But if a rep needs quantities on a Custom PO updated, CRR's are now able to make these changes to CUSTOM PO's ONLY.

Click to jump to the correct steps based on your role.

  1. CRRs editing CUSTOM POs if quantities or pricing are needing to be updated/edited.

  2.   Buyers and Purchasers.

How to edit a Custom PO as a CRR?

Working on a Custom PO? Make sure you adjust the Custom Order First. Please see the Help Center article on How to Edit Quantity on a Custom Order. 

  1. Run the Purchase Order Entry pin. 
  2. Click on Edit Existing PO in the upper right. 
  3. Enter the PO# into the PO# field and click Search.
  4. This will populate the below results. Allowing you to click the Select button to go into the PO. 
  5. On the next screen, you will want to select the item you are adjusting quantity on and click Edit. 
  6. Adjust the Quantity in the Quantity field, and click Save or Save Edit Next if you need to edit the next lines quantities as well. 
  7. Once you have adjusted the Quantities to the accurate amount, please click Review and Complete. 
  8. Click Complete PO or Print to finalize the quantity change. If you click print, you will need to input your email address for it to be emailed to you. 

Anything other than a Custom PO Quantity change? Please make the adjustment to the order, for it to hit ABOM. Leave detailed comments and send to your regions lead buyer for their assistance to get the adjustment made.


 How to edit a PO as a Buyer?

Depending on your situation, you may need to just adjust the quantities, pricing, and/or cost. If that's the case, it will be the same process as the CRR, except for a price adjustment, you will want to adjust the Price field instead of the Quantity field. 

  1. Run the Purchase Order Entry pin. 
  2. Click on Edit Existing PO in the upper right. 
  3. Enter the PO# into the PO# field and click Search.
  4. This will populate the below results. Allowing you to click the Select button to go into the PO. 
  5. Once you are in the PO you can either adjust the P/O Header or Edit pricing in the Line Entry (which is outlined above under the CRR process).
    1. The only areas that should be edited on the P/O Header are
      Description; to enter the Vendor confirmation/order number,  
      Ship To Blank Address Line; to include the O# and School Name for the Tier 3
      Special Instructions; to include the O# and School Name if it is going to Holland to be decorated.
  6. Click on Review and Complete. 
  7. Click Complete PO or Print to finish. If you click print, you will need to input your email address for it to be emailed to you.