How do I check on Warehouse Transfers to a Tier 3?

Warehouse transfers are tracked similarly to purchase orders in FDM4.

When we pull product from our own warehouse and ship it to a Tier 3, it is called a Warehouse Transfer. These will show up in the same place as a vendor Purchase Order when researching an order in Review Customer Orders. 

Follow these steps:

  • Locate the order in Review Customer Orders
  • Click the Purchase Orders button (if exposed on toolstrip) or click Hamburger > Purchase Orders.
    Screenshot 2023-08-01 at 10.58.46 PM
  • Any Warehouse Transfers or Purchase Orders will appear. Note the product coming in from Game One - Holland. 
    Screenshot 2023-08-01 at 11.05.31 PM
  • Review the PO Qty vs. the Rec Qty columns to track whether the product has been received at the Tier 3 facility. 

Note: The UPS tracking information for Warehouse Transfers is not readily available in the system. We confirm receipt when the vendor receives the product in the Vendor Portal.