FDM4 Update: Pricing your decoration by Art ID

The system now prices decoration charges based on the number of times an Art ID is used. Learn more about this change.


FDM4 now prices decoration by ART ID. This means if you use the same art in multiple designs, the system will price it based on how many time that same art was used across all designs on your order. 

This helps for situations where multiple garments are getting the same design but a customer wants to add a second location only to a select number of garments. 

Watch the video below for more details.


  • In order for the system to price correctly, you MUST choose the same ART ID from existing art when building your designs. The ID numbers MUST match or the system will not know they are the same. 
  • This works for all decoration methods 
  • This is now the default pricing method in FDM4 and will be applied to all orders going forward.