How to edit the Quantity on a Custom Order?

Only the CRR can edit the quantity of product already on a custom order.

If the quantity on a custom order needs to change, the CRR will need to make the edit. 

CRR please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Order Entry > Edit Existing Order
  2. A warning will appear letting you know a PO has been attached to this order. Click Yes.
  3. Go to the Main Tab
  4. Select the item that needs to be changed and click Edit
  5. Update the Quantity > Save
  6. Click Okay on the pop-up window
  7. Review & Complete the order and look up the purchase order to verify that the quantity has changed. If the quantity did not change, edit the Purchase Order to change the quantity using Purchase Order Entry. 

Screenshot 2023-06-16 at 11.21.40 PM


** To learn more on how to edit a PO please visit the How To Edit a PO article. **